Category Archives: advice to my son

Greatest thing you can teach your child

The greatest gift afterloving your child unconditionally is to teach them how to think for themselves.

We don’t need them to be our clones. We don’t need them to be robots- repeat everything they hear in school and from other people.

The gift of thinking for yourself critically and analytically is something I strive to give my son.


Last night my wife’s aunt passed away.

I don’t say this to Garner sympathy. 

I say it to remind my readers as well as myself that life moves fast. You don’t want to miss all the little details that make life Grand.

No matter what happens you can’t get out of life alive- so since you are going to die, live the hell out of life everyday no regrets dad’s War signing off.

I’m sure my fellow dads working double shifts will dig this. 

I work long days now so I can have my spouse at home with my son. 

No nanny or daycare.

I grind so he can get that perfect love and care.

I also invest so that this can end one day soon.

I took my first residual check of 2017 and reinvested it. 

Dads, build an empire!


You’re a DAD? Good be a MAN and set the example

Not much to say here .

He said it just right.

Love your kid’s mom.  Period. 

Your example sets the  tone. How you treat the mother of your children will show your children how to love others.  

Live what you tell the kids, don’t be a do as I say not as I do dad.

Step up to the plate and hit a home run. 

Your wife deserves it.

Your kids need it.