Tag Archives: fatherhood

How much would you risk for your boy?

pexels-photo-691047.jpegHow much would you risk for your boy?

As a father for a little less than 2 years there is one thing I can tell you with certainty: There is NOTHING I wouldn’t do for my boy.  I love this kid with a love so strong I don’t think we know until we bring a child into this world.

Indeed the blessing is so great it enabled me to make major life changes and grow as a human being. And with that in mind I propose this: Every sacrifice you make for your child/children is actually a gain.

I left just about everything I know behind and moved to a new state.
Quit my career,
left friends and family,
lost income and retirement funding, and the list goes on.

However, in that loss I gained not only a beautiful boy, but freed my wife from working, granting a wish she always had to be an at home mom, and I gained a larger domicile, a better quality of life, peace of mind, and a pool to boot!

Blessing are everywhere, never forget that.

Now stop reading my blog and go hug your kid(s)!!!



Last night my wife’s aunt passed away.

I don’t say this to Garner sympathy. 

I say it to remind my readers as well as myself that life moves fast. You don’t want to miss all the little details that make life Grand.

No matter what happens you can’t get out of life alive- so since you are going to die, live the hell out of life everyday no regrets dad’s War signing off.

Why I blog… For my son… No it’s for me

So I started this blog with a thought.

That dad’s are at war to feed and learn their sons. Period.

Then I thought of the movie Troy.

And I realized my life was under seige, not by my son but by my choices.

And this isn’t a soapbox I’m preaching from or a tale of woe. I’m happy as hell

It was amusing to me that these ideas came together one after the other in 3 minutes.


Dad’s of  War came to fruition a few days later.

Lastly, I encourage all Fathers to be DADS.

There is a big difference and your son will dig it and so will you.