Tag Archives: love

How much would you risk for your boy?

pexels-photo-691047.jpegHow much would you risk for your boy?

As a father for a little less than 2 years there is one thing I can tell you with certainty: There is NOTHING I wouldn’t do for my boy.  I love this kid with a love so strong I don’t think we know until we bring a child into this world.

Indeed the blessing is so great it enabled me to make major life changes and grow as a human being. And with that in mind I propose this: Every sacrifice you make for your child/children is actually a gain.

I left just about everything I know behind and moved to a new state.
Quit my career,
left friends and family,
lost income and retirement funding, and the list goes on.

However, in that loss I gained not only a beautiful boy, but freed my wife from working, granting a wish she always had to be an at home mom, and I gained a larger domicile, a better quality of life, peace of mind, and a pool to boot!

Blessing are everywhere, never forget that.

Now stop reading my blog and go hug your kid(s)!!!
